Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just Me, Catching Up

Ah! I feel so guilty, I have not blogged in AGES. I apologize for my long hiatus but my new goal is to make this a priority.

So being a new lawyer has had its ups and downs but ultimately it has been great. I have been at my job now for 6 months and I still adore it. How wonderful is that?! I am constantly learning new things, processes, outlooks and strategies and I feel vested in a firm that is vested in me.

Oh! We found out on Friday afternoon 10/23 that Justin M. Lovely passed the SC bar exam! WHOOT WHOOT! My chest is just bowing and beaming with pride! I am amazed by that man.

We moved at the beginning of October to Conway, which is about 20 minutes from MB. Why you may ask: Because I work here in Conway and the courthouse is here. Driving 25 minutes a day became too much and we found an adorable little house right in the heart of downtown. And I love it. Just me, Justin and Coop and we are loving it.

Halloween is just around the corner and I'm excited about traveling to Knoxville, TN for the UT/SC game this weekend and Ashley and Dunkin's engagement party!!! YAY! I get to see all of my fab friend from law school!

My heart is happy.


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