Monday, June 30, 2008


So, after 2 hours at the eye doctor I now can pinpoint what and why I'm getting these dizzy and nausious spells! My eyes! I have an astigmatism and it's causing my eyes to strain- thus causing the dizziness and fits of nausia. Yea- new glasses for this girl. I also don't blink enough and it's causing my eyes to dry out and a film to accumulate on my eyeballs. YUCK! Ok, so the up side to all of this is - I AM NOT JUST GOING CRAZY! Thank you Jesus!

Today was all about Partnerships and the material was not bad at all. I did really well in Prof. Murray's class (A-) and all of those silly business classes in undergrad are paying off! Today I'm studying Remedies some more - trying to get down the details and then doing some more Crim Law and Evidence MBE questions.

Oh! Carol called from ASL today and informed me that out of all the diplomas mine was the only one messed up - well of course it was. Amy's (Murphy's) Law hits again. No worries though because a replacement has been ordered. I told her that in the big picture - so not a big deal and to quit worrying about it- if she wanted to worry about something, worry about me tackling the SC bar.

Ok, back to Remedies m'dears........Thanks for all the love and prayers......They are greatly appreciated!!


Friday, June 27, 2008

Falling to Pieces...

So I think this whole "bar thing" has my body going to hell in a hand basket (did I say that right?) I was plucking my eyebrows last night - it was a must--- and I realized my hair is falling out again!! I went through a period of 6 months when I was 19 years old when this happened. It's a little frightening. The doctor called me in some high powered prenatal vitamins for the hair today, hopefully it will counter act whatever stress my body is going through. He also put me on some medicine for the migraines as well. My lil body just is in a tizzy and I'm not feeling so hot. I got really dizzy tonight while I was at Wal-mart searching for yet another printer cartridge. (I've been through 3 since I've been here) Please say a lil prayer for me!!

Today we went over Insurance Law and I actually really liked the material. I've decided that Insurance law is the bastard child of Contracts and Remedies. 7 hours of class was a little much but not too bad.

Tomorrow is Corporations but more importantly Kristie's Birthday! Happy 28th Sweet Girl!!

Off to bed--------


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Are We All Just a Lil Disheartened?

Today I got on facebook for a quick looksie and I read everyone's updated status- they read a lil something like this "I hate studying" "Will I ever pass the bar" or my favorite is cute ole Mike Jackson's that read "Mike Jackson is apparently studying for the February bar exam." Mine went something like this, "Amy is super duper tired- because she stayed up all night running the SC probate scheme through her head" I talked to Minga on google mail and even he sounded a lil down about this whole bar thing. Well we've officially been studying for almost 2 months like crazy animals and it's definitely starting to take it's tole on us. My eyebrows are bushy, my roots are dark, my bangs are hanging in my eyes, my toe nails are in need of a polishing, my nails are bitten to the quick, I've put on at least 5lbs and I'm exhausted. I think we are all in need of a some maintenance, a moment to breath and a good nights sleep. Guys, if you're reading this - I feel your pain and I'm thinking about all of you and praying for all of you!

Yesterday I spent 14 hours deciphering through South Carolina's Probate scheme. YUCK! BOO! ICK! Only to be told today that - "Yea, probate isn't really a big deal on the SC bar exam." Um yea, that little bit of information would have been super duper helpful last night around 1am when I was PULLING MY HAIR OUT! Well, I can tell you this - if there's anything on that bad boy about Probate - I am you're girl.

I went after class for a massage and it was the absolute best I've ever had. Since I've been getting these migraines and with all this hunching over books or my laptop - I thought I needed a little R&R. At least 1 hour of it anyways. I did a little research and there is a lady in Lexington (about 10 mins away) who specializes in neuromuscular cranial massage and boy oh boy it was amazing. I finally got rubbed and massaged the way my lil head needs it!! Thank you Jesus!

Now off to read more insurance law ---


Monday, June 23, 2008

Bar Exam Studying = Migraine

This weekend was exhausting. Friday was a 7 hour long mock/practice MBE and it took everything out of me. Then we spent 8 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday going over the questions individually. It was uber beneficial to know why I got the ones wrong that I did. But 24 hours in 3 days of sitting in hard stadium seats, head bent over, neck all cocked funny, eyes straining and hands cramping -- Yea, I got the absolutely worst migraine on Sunday during the last 20 minutes of the day. It left me throwing up, shivering and just HURTING! This whole bar thing, has my lil body thrown in a tizzy. Lots of Excedrin, 2 hours of sleeping and Justin's smiling face seemed to make me feel much better!

Today was all about WILLS and I actually feel quite good about the material!! It's coming quite easily for me, I think it's because Professor Shinn made us learn SO MUCH material that only having to know 1 jurisdiction is so NICE!!!! Ah, I'm surviving and that's the name of the game these days.

Justin came in last night and is staying through tomorrow and there's nothing that makes this stress and hard work a lil more bearable like his presence.

Back to life, back to studying ...........

God is Good.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Day

Yea, so exhaustion has set in! I'm overwhelmed and to be quite honest - a little disheartened. I've been doing these MBE questions for weeks now and I can't seem to get more than 14 out of 17 right. I know that is about 82% but I can't seem to get over that HUMP and it's driving me crazy. The past 2 BARBRI classes have been SC specific Payment Systems.......SHOOT ME NOW! I actually visualized throwing myself onto my ink pen or paper cutting my wrist today. The professor was live and he was just no bueno. He kept going in circles, never really answering his own questions- only to return to previous material in the outline. I'm guessing the look of sheer panic on my face translated quite well to my pal Kristie because she patted me on the hand and said..."Don't worry, I'll figure it out!" BLESS HER HEART! Because I truly was scared at the thought that I would never recover from this jumbled mess he called an outline.

Justin got back from Portugal on Thursday night around 12:30am after a hellish plane ride, a missed flight in Newark and lost luggage in Nashville. The dear child, drove straight to Columbia to see me....he arrived at 8:45am on Friday morning smiling with exhaustion but with Mickey D's breakfast in tow. What a little angel! How did I manage to find such a good and kind person who loves me to boot? He slept all day on Friday while Kristie and I studied. Later that night, when he finally woke up-- we decided to head to the beach for a night of peacefulness. We didn't get down to Myrtle until 11:30pm but it was a much needed rest for both of us. We spent all day Saturday on the beach- drinking beer, reading and enjoying just being with each other. Insert picture of Saturday's fun here.
We slept in on Sunday and headed back to Columbia around lunch. Back to studying and the war with the bar on Sunday night (BOO!)

OH! We have spiders and bugs in our apartment which is where I'm guessing the bites and hives came from last week- so our building came and sprayed. Yea, now they are EVERYWHERE! I was laying in bed tonight doing Payment Systems note cards and got BIT the fire out of by some random big black bug! AH! GROW-DEE!!

Well back to work - another set of MBE questions before bed.
Please pray for Kristie and I - we need all the help and prayer we can stand. I don't think I ever really wrapped my mind around how much work, pressure and stress went into this monstrosity we call the bar exam- but we definitely know now.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday = Exhaustion

Tonight I decided to run up to CVS to pick up some blank 4x6 note cards and when I got there I was disappointed because it closed at 6pm. I promptly put into my handy dandy GPS to find the nearest Dollar General. Of which I was taken into the ghetto and to my surprise it closed at 6pm. At this point I'm getting a lil wary because 1) I'm in the ghetto but 2) There's a bad storm brewing and heading right towards me. As I pulled out of the DG and headed toward the Target -- THE ENTIRE BOTTOM DROPPED OUT OF THE SKY! It was possibly the worst storm I've ever experienced, the rain caused a flash flood, the lightning was striking everywhere and the thunder was so loud and constant my mom couldn't hear me on my cell. NUTS! Well, I got to the Target- the Target that was NO MORE! So in the middle of the mess I found a Staples, I took the ole Jeep and pulled her on the sidewalk underneath the Staples overhang and safely stayed inside until the whole thing blew over- an hour later! I did completely score Microsoft Office 2007 for $100 and I found my notecards!!

Well that was enough babbling! Today was all about Criminal Law in BARBRI class and I felt really good about the information. I did quite well in that subject and it all seemed to wash back over me today. Today in class I looked up and low and behold Davis Whitfield-Cargile has joined us in BARBRI! I think he panicked just a lil when he realized what a big undertaking studying for the bar is. It's good to have him as a part of the team. Kristie and I came home after class and have worked like lil maniacs. We've outlined, notecarded and done MBE questions and we feel pretty dang good about our progress!

Oh! So last night around 2am, in a fit of delirium, I looked down and realized I had hives all over my legs and face. WTF? Can stress manifest itself into HIVES? I'm hoping it was some kind of reaction and not my body responding to too much coffee, too little sleep, too much stress and too much time hunched over this darn computer. PLEASE dear God let it be a reaction.

I talked to Justin today online for about 5 mins, the reception was horrible but I got to see his lil face on our webcams!!! I miss him and I'm ready for him to come home!! He's having a great time and winning some money and I'm excited for him and a tiny bit jealous I'm not a part of the festivities.

Well time for bed, another day of studying is under my belt, I'm just a little bit smarter adn my brain is actually thinking again. AMEN



Con Law Outline D-O-N-E!! Finally! Criminal Law and Procedure start tomorrow. I'm OVER IT and it's only June 9th!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hot as Hell!

In the land of cement and non-wind AKA: COLUMBIA, SC --- It's a 103 degrees today and I'm refusing to make an appearance in the cement jungle I seem to be living in!!

Damn you Chemerinsky!!! And the Horse You Rode In On!!!

Constitutional Law Expert: Professor Erwin Chemerinsky!

So, after spending the last 7 hours trying to go through good ole Constitutional Law (god) Chemerinsky's outline for the MBE I'm left feeling officially suicidal :) 50 pages of dry, 1/2 explained nonsense!

Why can't Stewie Harris teach the BARBRI course? I seemed to get his gist of the subject just fine!? I'm wading through this mess of stuff but I know I will conquer it --- er---eventually! I've decided to call it a night and hit the sack. Sitting up until 3am is doing me absolutely NO good. My goal is to wake up around 6:30am and go for a walk. I think I need to clear my head before BARBRI in the mornings and a lil exercise never hurt anyone. I think if I start getting to bed earlier, I won't feel as BLAH all day and require so much coffee.

Tomorrow's goal: Finish the Con Law Outline, Unpack, Eat Healthy, Exercise a lil, do 50 MBE questions and get in bed before 12midnight. I think this is completely attainable.

It's funny, as I read through this Con Law stuff - while I might not know the technical word for why the right answer is right --- at the end of it - they're RIGHT! I feel confident in what good ole Stewie taught me 2nd year and I'm praying it all starts coming back to me!

Oh, I heard from Justin tonight- he's in Portugal and having a fantabulous time!! I'm so excited for him! He said that the internet wasn't free and it was super expensive so he would contact me in about 2 days through email with details of the fun that's ensuing! Yay for making a memory!

Good night m'dears!


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Another Weekend of Weddings!

Tonight was Keagan and John's wedding and it was BEAUTIFUL! It was held at "Childress Winery" in Lexington, NC and it was absolutely gorgeous! Yes, it was a tiny bit hot (99 degrees) but it was so worth the sweaty thighs to see 2 cute people (whom I set up) get married and find something that's worth celebrating. It was beyond words GREAT to see all of my best friends, the kids I've grown up with, the people and families that appreciate and love us. Seeing Hekhuis, Chris, Todd, Keagan, Brittany, Tyler and all of their families was the biggest treat. Growing up with this amazing group of people has lef my memory jogged of all the fun and hijinx, a smile wide across my face and my heart warm -- because I have people that love me in spite of myself! They support and revere all that I do in life and hug and hold me when I need it the most.

This summer - while crazy ridden with studying like a maniac - has also taught me how much I love my family and friends. I have 2 parents and 2 siblings that love and support me through every whim in life. I have friends that pick me up when I fall and brush my knees when I've made mistakes and I have a man that loves me just for me. Now that is a life worth living. And most of all! God has granted me the wisdom and insight to recognize just how much love I have in my life. I know countless people that wonder or stumble through their day to day existence and seem hopeless - and yet they don't see the people around them that care and love them the most. I, m'dears am the most luckiest, blessed girl in the world because I recognize, appreciate and thank God everyday for those people in my life.

I met a kid I've heard a lot about in the past couple of years........and I have a feeling we will be great friends! A love of literature........yep good friends.

Justin is in Portugal this week and I'm missing him to pieces. I know he is making great memories and I am beyond excited for him.

Here are some pics from Keag and John's wedding........

The Winery!

Me, Katy, Hekhuis, Brandon, Todd and Chris

John and Keagan!

Chris and I

This is my 2nd and last weekend of home.........
Back to the books in the morning............
The bar exam is calling my name and it's in need of a lil butt kicking


Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Last night was a long one. I didn't go to bed until 4am. I stayed up late trying to catch up on work that got brushed aside for a weekend of fun. I got the Contracts outline/notecards finished -Thank you GOD- and a couple sets of MBE questions under my belt. I finally crawled into bed around 3:45am and my head wouldn't quit going through UCC exceptions! UGH! Then up this morning at 7:45 am and class until 1pm then I ran a couple errands and then went back to contracts with more questions. Kristie and I broke for an hour and went and had SUSHI at Camon in downtown and it was uber great. It was a much needed break for food, a glass of plum wine and conversation that doesn't revolve around "the modern trend."

I'm super duper tired and running on fumes but all is well in bar study land. We are trudging away, keeping our nose the grind and our minds in position to kill this bad boy. One more skill set of question and then off to bed.........

Will I ever sleep well again?
Will I ever wake up without a crick in my neck again?
Will I ever calm my mind enough to actually think about something other than the rules of Evidence?

AUGUST 1st! I love a goal!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Great Weekend!

Justin and I went to the James Taylor concert on Thursday night in Charlotte and it was FANTASTIC! It may have been the best concert I've ever been to! This was my graduation present from Justin and it was the best gift ever. We had great seats, the weather was perfect and the music was groovin'. Such a GREAT time! Here are some pics of the night!

After the concert we headed to my good ole hometown of Thomasville. Justin got the full T-ville experience, complete with a visit to Safari. Friday night we went to Salisbury for Keagan and John's pre-wedding party/shower. It was so nice to see everyone and spend a lil time with Katy, Keagan and Brittany. After the party we headed to Liberty for drinks and live music with Brandon, Katy and Daniel. FUN! It was so great to hang out with my brother. It had been too long and a lil QT was in order.

Brittany, Keagan, Me, Katy and Lyndsay

Saturday me, Justin, Mom and Dad headed back to Charlotte for Kaitlin's Wedding and it was FANTABULOUS! The wedding was held at this great lil church in downtown and the reception was at the Westin. We had such a great time! Kaitlin was breathtakingly beautiful, the food and drinks were to die for and the company was impeccables! Dad and John got the LOVE TRAIN going and it was a HOOT!

Here's one of Dad and John!

Mom and I (I think we may look a tiny bit alike! Don't ya think?)

Justin and I

We ended up staying the night at the Westin and heading back to Columbia on Sunday afternoon. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

The fun ended on Sunday when I got back. Studying commenced upon arrival and today was class from 9am-12noon and then Contracts studying and typing outlines and notecards. Ah, Back to the GRIND! My break was short but much needed. It's almost 3 am and it's been a long day. Thank you God for blessing me with family and friends that love and support me in all my endeavors. I'm blessed beyond words and I am grateful.
