Monday, July 21, 2008


Bill Murray's Got NOTHING on US! Every day is the same. Wake up: eat, coffee, brush teeth, take adderall & excedrine/alieve, study for hrs, more coffee, eat a piece of fruit, study some more, maybe eat dinner, study some more, more coffee, attempt to drink water to hydrate, study again, contemplate silently either a) killing myself out of complete fear and stress (joke) or b)get in car and drive....continuously in 1 direction w/o looking back. The good news---- this craziness ends in 10 days. In 10 days life will get semi-normal again. I'm getting anxious, nervous, there's fit of crying at least once a night but it's ALMOST over and Kristie and I have done the work, studied the material and haven't let up for a second. It's all up to God now, and that's just fine with us.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Running Low on Steam

The past two weeks have been super hard on me. I've been staying up all hours of the night, waking up bright and early- and trying to get this stuff down to a T. I've been condensing the 35pg outlines, that Kristie had already pared down from 300pgs, to 2-3 pagers. Going back over the material, scrutinizing the big stuff, trying to memorize lists, factors, elements and then doing MBE questions to boot. I'm tired. Simply Tired but I'm forging ahead. Thursday Kristie and I took a practice MBE test and I scored 137 out of 200 questions. Which is pretty good considering the MBE graders give you a 20-25 pt curve on top of your raw score. And all I need is a 120 in SC. So, I'm feeling okay about that stuff. Trying to go over 1 MBE subj a night though to keep refreshed.

Today I decided that after not leaving my apartment for, oh let's see 8 days- with the only exception of walking across the street to Publix, I needed a change of scenery. Today I'm studying at B&N trying to condense my Civ Pro outline to 3 pages. YUCK. It's coming along though. I'm just ready for this whole process to be over. I need to sleep for at least 3 days straight and get my life back on a normal schedule - one not consisting of coffee, adderall, bennadryl, 20 hr work days and 3.5 hours of sleep. I'm ready to start life, real life. I miss my family and Justin so much it hurts. A combination of all of it is just too much....but the beauty of it all....It's almost over. I'm surviving.

8 1/2 days and the big test begins. I will be ready. I will do well.

Say a prayer and cross your fingers because I can use all the help I can get.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Feeling the Burn

Today, I threw out all the food in our apartment that wasn't healthy. I've felt like crap for the last 2 weeks and I decided it was because I was clepto-eating everything NOT GOOD for me! Chocolate, Chips, Cookies, Candy, Cokes --- ALL GONE! ha! the 5 C's were bringing me down. I went to the grocery store and picked up tons of fresh veggies and fruits to keep us healthy for the next 2 weeks.

Today was Sales and I feel really good about the subject. I took the afternoon and went over Contracts as well and did some practice MBE ?s and was hitting about 75% which is pretty good. Tim came by and we traded some outlines and charts and while he was here he showed me a video and it was just what I needed to feel - well - crappy. A headache and no sleep has had me down a little today. Here's the video. Watch and enjoy!! I think it will bring a smile to your face. This is LAWYER SCHOOL all wrapped up in a song!

Tonight I'm going to narrow down my Remedies outline and hand write the Sales outline. Lots to do!!!! Kristie and I were discussing earlier -- if only the bar were based on all the "case law" we've learned from watching EVERY Law & Order ever made?! I would be sure to pass with flying colors.

It's almost over......

Thank God.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Oh My!

17 Days Until the Bar Exam!!!


It's crunch time and I'm feeling it.............

but heck..........

it's the pressure that makes the diamond right :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Selfish ?

July 4th went off without a hitch....kinda. I went to Myrtle and met my brother and parents for a weekend of sleep, food and studying. I slept in on Friday morning, kinda if you count 9:30am sleeping in, and laid out in the sun all day with my Mom by the pool. I had my outlines in hand and achieved my goals for the day- a tan and a lil knowledge to boot. Saturday morning I go up early and got my hair done....and it's looking super cute. I spent my 2 hours in the hair chair doing notecards and studying wills, trusts and estates. Quite a spectacle in my she-she salon! I attempted to come back early on Sunday morning only to be met with traffic on hwy501 as far as the eye could see and after an hour and 45 mins in traffic - I turned around. I ended up staying at the beach house until 8:00pm studying like a maniac. Everyone had left and I got a lot accomplished! I love productivity!

So for the past week I've been rolling around in my head the concept of selfishness. I have always been a giver in life, priding myself on never keeping a thing for Amy. I was listening to the radio after a quick run to Starbucks and I heard a woman asking herself for forgiveness for not putting herself 1st, for running herself ragged for the entire world and not giving herself what she so desperately needed in life. Well, I thought....THAT'S ME! In the past week I set some rules for myself and it started with the word NO. Can you do this? NO. (Politely of course) Could you buy that? NO. Could you fix this? NO. I'm exhausted! Studying for the bar has given me the excuse, and the balls for that matter, to say no to people. And to be quite feels pretty darn good. Sometimes in life, you do so much that people just expect's not a treat or an act of kindness anymore and it's just what you do. Well, this girl is saying no to things. I'm pooped! Studying for the bar makes me realize just how important I AM! And it makes you prioritize real quick. God has absolutely blessed me with a huge heart, and that heart has finally opened up to not just the world.....but it sees me as a priority. Now that is an accomplishment all by itself.

The past couple of days has been a bit nuts. We've been studying like crazy girls. I finished up handwriting my corporations outline...trying to seal in the specifics to memory and doing MBE practice questions. Criminal Law is just not clicking for me, so tomorrow I am going to spend a good 3 hours going over ?s and why they are right and wrong. Pray I start to "get" it. Panic has started to set i just a little and I'm overwhelmed.

But the good news is - I am blessed, God is good and I have a lot of people that love me...including myself :)


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Better Attitude and a New Outlook

As most of you can tell - I've been a lil in the dumps the last couple of blogs. All of the physical stuff has just got me a lil depressed and well for lack of a better word ... FEELING LIKE POOH! But after some much needed mom and dad attention and a lil affection from Justin~ I woke up this morning with a new sense of self. I'm physically feeling a ton better. No headache today, no dizziness, no nausea and I just felt refreshed and rested from the weekend and a great nights sleep.

Today was all about Corporations and it went pretty smoothly. I spent my afternoon handwriting the Insurance outline, doing MBE questions and organizing outlines.

I talked to Brandy last night and Andy tonight and it was so great to hear their voices!! Brandy says all is well in GA and I think she may be the most upbeat person I know. God bless her! Andy is doing well but the VA bar has him down just a lil. I think the theme of our convo was "Who could possibly learn/know ALL of this material adequately?" I miss him and Matt! I forget how much they mean to me. I think a trip to Richmond is in order after this ole bar exam.

Justin is in town for a couple days visiting me and giving me all the affection and love I can stand - what a lucky girl I am. He gets me, enough said.

Well, it's 1am and I am tired and it's time for bed. I feel like I've had a great day filled with productivity.

Thank you God for blessing me with great friends that genuinely care and love me. I am truly grateful for each and everyone of them.
