Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The past week has been a bit nuts! Myrtle Beach caught fire!!! OMG! It's a wildfire that has been burning for over a week now and they are saying it could burn until Fall. Here's a picture from my neighborhood. Part of our golf course caught fire.

I went home to NC to spend time with my family and to get away from all this yucky smoke. It's still pretty bad in the morning. I feel so sorry for all those that lost their homes- over 45 people lost their homes, cars and stuff.

This week has been one of transition. I'm trying to find my "footing" as my brother would say and I'm trying figure out exactly where and what I want in life. I think I'm just going to pray about it and wait. Sometimes you just gotta sit back and let things happen.

Cheers to good things for everyone.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sometimes You're the Tree and Sometimes You're the Boy

My favorite book in the ENTIRE world is "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein! It's been my favorite book since I was a little girl. Part of what I love about this silly little kid's book is that sometimes in life we feel like the tree. We give and give and give, expecting nothing in return and the faintest gratitude makes us feel worthy to just breath. To feel so special to be just a trunk, for a boy, we love. And sometimes in life we take a step back and realize we have been just a boy. Taking, too preoccupied with all that is life to realize we are not being grateful, yet taking more than we are worthy of.

Today was a day of reflection and realizing that there's a gift in being both the tree and the boy.

I'm grateful to give my heart, time and love to those that mean so much to me- never expecting anything in return , except maybe a smile and a happy heart. To open your soul so wide for another and really love the act of giving something of yourself to them. That's a gift.

And sometimes being the boy is a gift because in the end - he has someone that loves him unconditionally and is willing to give him the world to make him happy. The gift of being the boy is the realization that someone loves you that much, figuring it out and being eternally grateful for another's sacrifices.

Just when I feel like the tree most days - I'm reminded that my sweet little Mother is the Eternal Tree, never waivering in her love and always giving of herself to me. I am thankful beyond words and my heart is filled with gratitude to have such a good, kind, loving, funny Mother. God has given me a true gift - a Mother that loves me just for me.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just Life

Ah, I feel like my life has been so crazy the last couple of days. So much to do, so little time.

Today I sent a package to Tony, a friend of mine from law school who is stationed in Iraq (his 2nd tour of duty) Tony amazes me. Tony did his 1st stint in Iraq before he went to law school and during our 1L year got sent to New Orleans for like 6 weeks to help with Hurricane Katrina, 2L year he got sent to Arizona for border patrol so when he got through 3L year without the big call up- we all let out a sigh of relief! And then at graduation he found out he would be shipped out for over a year right after the bar exam. He passed the TN bar and off he went! So all of us in our law school class have been sending him little packages to let him know we love him and how proud we are to call him our friend. And to top it all off - he's such a good man with a great heart!

I had a phone interview for my potential new job and I am so excited. It went great! We are having a sit down on Thursday afternoon to discuss the specifics! YAY! I'm super duper excited! Can you tell?

This weekend is going to be nuts. Friday morning I'm heading to Grundy to see Justin and attend a party that the Dean of the law school is throwing. I'm excited to see some of my favoritest people in the world. (and yes I know favoritest is not a word) Saturday morning Justin and I are going to an auction and then heading to Knoxville, TN to see Justin's family and go to the UT Orange and White game.

So that's my life for the past couple days. Nothing too deep, just life.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


This weekend was good for my soul. My parents and my brother and his fiance Miranda came down for Easter weekend and it was nice to have company! Friday, my mom and I shopped all day and found her dress for my sister's wedding in July. This was uber exciting because my mom has bought 3 dresses all of which have been a "no-go." So to find a great, classic, beautiful, elegant dress that is not too frumpy or mother of the bride-ish is a great fete! Operation Find-a-Dress complete. I went a little crazy at J-Crew and bought a navy searsucker suit of which I'm in love with.

Saturday was a day of doing whatever my heart desired. I decided to try my hand at wedding cake baking (What was I thinking?). So I went to Michaels, coupon in hand, and bought cake pans and all the goodies for my grand attempt. Miranda and I embarked on a project a little bigger than 2 silly girls who like to google how to blogs. It was not a complete disaster - but it was not a major accomplishment either :) Picture to follow!

Today we went to church at "Church of the Lost and Found" in North Myrtle. I love that church, I don't think I've ever experienced a pastor who can use humor, scripture and rawness to accomplish so much for the glory of God. Pastor Beaver amazes me. God is good.

The whole crew left here around 3:00pm and it made me a little sad because I really miss spending time with my mom and dad. I love living in SC, but I still miss my family being 5 minutes down the road.

Justin spent the weekend in Grundy preparing for his trial next week and boy did I miss him! He is 20 days from graduation and I am so proud of him! I know how much time, work, energy, blood, sweat and tears go into the 3 years of law school and I am amazed at how he's done all of it with grace, determination and drive. YAY! In 20 days we will live in the same state!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!! And in 3 1/2 months I will have him all to myself!! I can't wait.

So, I'm preparing for a new week - excited about new job oppurtunities and hopeful that God has a plan for me that's bigger and better than I can imagine.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A New Outlook

Wow, I haven't posted since I found out my Bar Results! Forgive me for letting so much time go by. A lot has happened since October 31, 2008! I've worked for a firm that worked on the FTC Country Wide litigation - which to be quite honest was SUPER boring but very lucrative! In January I took a job with a firm doing criminal defense and personal injury. What an experience!!!! While I cannot go into details on just how crazy the entire 3 1/2 month experience was I did learn a lot.

I learned that my gut instinct is pretty right on. I learned that kindness goes a very long way. I learned that no matter what station people are at in life, they deserve kindness and respect. I reaffirmed everything I think I knew deep down in my heart, everything my parents have taught me in business over the years. Kindness and good manners go a long way in life and they are free.

I'm living in Myrtle Beach, finding my place and patiently waiting for Justin to graduate. God is good and I am blessed.
