Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Next Step

Pregnant. Yup, it's amazing how that one little word can do such a number on your body and life. My first trimester was riddled with the classic pregnancy straight from the textbook symptoms. I was wrought with morning sickness that never quite came in the morning, oh no, it liked to visit around 5:30 pm on my ride home from work. I would promptly pull the car over, puke on the side of the highway, wipe my mouth and continue on. I was exhausted. I felt like I could never get enough sleep, I yawned compulsively and it kind of felt like I had the on set of the flu. You know what I'm talking about, it's like your whole body is a tad achy, your super tired yet you seem to trudge through it. That was the feeling. I also was uber emotional. I found myself crying hysterically and completely freaking out my parents and Justin. Now I will give myself a little bit of leeway here - I mean I was in the middle of leaving a job, searching for a new one, planning a wedding and buying a house.

So yea, I was the quintessential preggo girl. Oh, I should not forget the acne. Now I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world because up until this whole baby situation I have been blessed with fantastic skin. But with my hormones going crazy I broke out like a pizza face, not to mention the trail of bumps on my boobs and back. ICK! Justin playfully called it tit-ne and butt-ne. (My dermatologist giggled when he heard our new vocab) I remember him looking at my poor skin and driving to the mall and buying me some pro-active. Bless his heart. Ah, but it all went away. THANK GOD!

With the 2nd trimester came a renewed sense of self. The acne cleared up (for the most part), I'm not nearly as exhausted as I was and the nausea has subsided. It also helped that Justin and I pulled off a wedding (all planed and paid for by us), bought a new house and office and we decided that I should quit looking for a job and work together and build a firm. There's an amazing peace that came with getting that all off our shoulders.

And now the third trimester is beginning! This week will mark the start of the 7th month! WOWZERS! Time has flown by and I feel like I just need a little more time! But we are going strong and forging ahead. I picked out a crib and baby room stuff for lil Cash this weekend, so the nursery will be done soon enough, Katy is planning the baby shower and almost all of the doctor's bills are paid. AH! It really amazes me how Justin and I make such a good team. I guess it takes sitting down, making a goal, sticking with it and working hard to make it all come together.

I am one lucky girl.


1 comment:

A New Gentleman said...

I have loved all of your recent posts. Good luck, preggo! You're sense of humor and good spirits are just infectious. You've made me smile SO big today. Hope things are going well!