Monday, October 18, 2010

37 Weeks and Ready to POP!

So today I went shopping for all the last minute things I am going to need. I bought extra bottles, passies, some formula (just in case), nursing bras, a night gown and robe for the hospital and all that good stuff. This picture of me is in the Motherhood store, I have no idea why but I felt the need to document the size of the bump....again.

I am ready....READY for my sweet baby boy to grace us with his presence! My hands and feet are swelling to the point that they are unrecognizable. I go to the doctor on Wednesday and I'm praying there will be good news. This baby is one big boy and I'm just miserable. I can't eat, I can't breath and I sure as heck can't sleep. I know this is the normal consensus among women at this stage -- so it's bearable.

I almost have the nursery complete. I bought the fabric for the chair to be recovered today, my dad is going to drop it off to be redone, Justin is hanging the chandelier tomorrow and my only other goal for the week is to find beautiful artwork for the walls. Not too shabby for this very busy preggo girl.

Tomorrow is my last day appearing in court and I'm excited to get in there and get it over with! Justin has been so great about giving me time to rest and prop my feet up. Technically I could send him tomorrow but there's something in me that feels like I have something to prove.

I'm nesting, trying to get everything just right before the baby comes. Not necessarily because I feel the need to clean but mainly because I know that my parent and in-laws will be in and out of my house and I would hope they would think I was just the tinsiest bit clean!

The countdown begins!



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