Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Better Attitude and a New Outlook

As most of you can tell - I've been a lil in the dumps the last couple of blogs. All of the physical stuff has just got me a lil depressed and well for lack of a better word ... FEELING LIKE POOH! But after some much needed mom and dad attention and a lil affection from Justin~ I woke up this morning with a new sense of self. I'm physically feeling a ton better. No headache today, no dizziness, no nausea and I just felt refreshed and rested from the weekend and a great nights sleep.

Today was all about Corporations and it went pretty smoothly. I spent my afternoon handwriting the Insurance outline, doing MBE questions and organizing outlines.

I talked to Brandy last night and Andy tonight and it was so great to hear their voices!! Brandy says all is well in GA and I think she may be the most upbeat person I know. God bless her! Andy is doing well but the VA bar has him down just a lil. I think the theme of our convo was "Who could possibly learn/know ALL of this material adequately?" I miss him and Matt! I forget how much they mean to me. I think a trip to Richmond is in order after this ole bar exam.

Justin is in town for a couple days visiting me and giving me all the affection and love I can stand - what a lucky girl I am. He gets me, enough said.

Well, it's 1am and I am tired and it's time for bed. I feel like I've had a great day filled with productivity.

Thank you God for blessing me with great friends that genuinely care and love me. I am truly grateful for each and everyone of them.



Lindsey Broere said...

YAY you sound so much better Amy! It always helps to have a weekend with the rents and get totally babied (if that's a word).

I wanna meet this man named Justin. He sounds amazing :-)

Hope you have a great week girl...

The Beaver Bunch said...

It continues to amaze me how drastically different our lives are, yet how similar. Puts into perspective that struggles are struggles and God is still God.

After this exam, on your way to'll need to swing through T-vegas and see the 4 most precious kids ever...promise?

Saying prayers for you.