Saturday, July 19, 2008

Running Low on Steam

The past two weeks have been super hard on me. I've been staying up all hours of the night, waking up bright and early- and trying to get this stuff down to a T. I've been condensing the 35pg outlines, that Kristie had already pared down from 300pgs, to 2-3 pagers. Going back over the material, scrutinizing the big stuff, trying to memorize lists, factors, elements and then doing MBE questions to boot. I'm tired. Simply Tired but I'm forging ahead. Thursday Kristie and I took a practice MBE test and I scored 137 out of 200 questions. Which is pretty good considering the MBE graders give you a 20-25 pt curve on top of your raw score. And all I need is a 120 in SC. So, I'm feeling okay about that stuff. Trying to go over 1 MBE subj a night though to keep refreshed.

Today I decided that after not leaving my apartment for, oh let's see 8 days- with the only exception of walking across the street to Publix, I needed a change of scenery. Today I'm studying at B&N trying to condense my Civ Pro outline to 3 pages. YUCK. It's coming along though. I'm just ready for this whole process to be over. I need to sleep for at least 3 days straight and get my life back on a normal schedule - one not consisting of coffee, adderall, bennadryl, 20 hr work days and 3.5 hours of sleep. I'm ready to start life, real life. I miss my family and Justin so much it hurts. A combination of all of it is just too much....but the beauty of it all....It's almost over. I'm surviving.

8 1/2 days and the big test begins. I will be ready. I will do well.

Say a prayer and cross your fingers because I can use all the help I can get.


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