Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sometimes You're the Tree and Sometimes You're the Boy

My favorite book in the ENTIRE world is "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein! It's been my favorite book since I was a little girl. Part of what I love about this silly little kid's book is that sometimes in life we feel like the tree. We give and give and give, expecting nothing in return and the faintest gratitude makes us feel worthy to just breath. To feel so special to be just a trunk, for a boy, we love. And sometimes in life we take a step back and realize we have been just a boy. Taking, too preoccupied with all that is life to realize we are not being grateful, yet taking more than we are worthy of.

Today was a day of reflection and realizing that there's a gift in being both the tree and the boy.

I'm grateful to give my heart, time and love to those that mean so much to me- never expecting anything in return , except maybe a smile and a happy heart. To open your soul so wide for another and really love the act of giving something of yourself to them. That's a gift.

And sometimes being the boy is a gift because in the end - he has someone that loves him unconditionally and is willing to give him the world to make him happy. The gift of being the boy is the realization that someone loves you that much, figuring it out and being eternally grateful for another's sacrifices.

Just when I feel like the tree most days - I'm reminded that my sweet little Mother is the Eternal Tree, never waivering in her love and always giving of herself to me. I am thankful beyond words and my heart is filled with gratitude to have such a good, kind, loving, funny Mother. God has given me a true gift - a Mother that loves me just for me.


1 comment:

Lindsey Broere said...

YAY...welcome back :-)

I've missed blog-stalking you...haha~