Monday, June 23, 2008

Bar Exam Studying = Migraine

This weekend was exhausting. Friday was a 7 hour long mock/practice MBE and it took everything out of me. Then we spent 8 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday going over the questions individually. It was uber beneficial to know why I got the ones wrong that I did. But 24 hours in 3 days of sitting in hard stadium seats, head bent over, neck all cocked funny, eyes straining and hands cramping -- Yea, I got the absolutely worst migraine on Sunday during the last 20 minutes of the day. It left me throwing up, shivering and just HURTING! This whole bar thing, has my lil body thrown in a tizzy. Lots of Excedrin, 2 hours of sleeping and Justin's smiling face seemed to make me feel much better!

Today was all about WILLS and I actually feel quite good about the material!! It's coming quite easily for me, I think it's because Professor Shinn made us learn SO MUCH material that only having to know 1 jurisdiction is so NICE!!!! Ah, I'm surviving and that's the name of the game these days.

Justin came in last night and is staying through tomorrow and there's nothing that makes this stress and hard work a lil more bearable like his presence.

Back to life, back to studying ...........

God is Good.

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