Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Are We All Just a Lil Disheartened?

Today I got on facebook for a quick looksie and I read everyone's updated status- they read a lil something like this "I hate studying" "Will I ever pass the bar" or my favorite is cute ole Mike Jackson's that read "Mike Jackson is apparently studying for the February bar exam." Mine went something like this, "Amy is super duper tired- because she stayed up all night running the SC probate scheme through her head" I talked to Minga on google mail and even he sounded a lil down about this whole bar thing. Well we've officially been studying for almost 2 months like crazy animals and it's definitely starting to take it's tole on us. My eyebrows are bushy, my roots are dark, my bangs are hanging in my eyes, my toe nails are in need of a polishing, my nails are bitten to the quick, I've put on at least 5lbs and I'm exhausted. I think we are all in need of a some maintenance, a moment to breath and a good nights sleep. Guys, if you're reading this - I feel your pain and I'm thinking about all of you and praying for all of you!

Yesterday I spent 14 hours deciphering through South Carolina's Probate scheme. YUCK! BOO! ICK! Only to be told today that - "Yea, probate isn't really a big deal on the SC bar exam." Um yea, that little bit of information would have been super duper helpful last night around 1am when I was PULLING MY HAIR OUT! Well, I can tell you this - if there's anything on that bad boy about Probate - I am you're girl.

I went after class for a massage and it was the absolute best I've ever had. Since I've been getting these migraines and with all this hunching over books or my laptop - I thought I needed a little R&R. At least 1 hour of it anyways. I did a little research and there is a lady in Lexington (about 10 mins away) who specializes in neuromuscular cranial massage and boy oh boy it was amazing. I finally got rubbed and massaged the way my lil head needs it!! Thank you Jesus!

Now off to read more insurance law ---


1 comment:

Lindsey Broere said...

sounds like the massage was just what you day this will all be over and you'll feel so accomplished...keep your head up chick...
