Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Last night was a long one. I didn't go to bed until 4am. I stayed up late trying to catch up on work that got brushed aside for a weekend of fun. I got the Contracts outline/notecards finished -Thank you GOD- and a couple sets of MBE questions under my belt. I finally crawled into bed around 3:45am and my head wouldn't quit going through UCC exceptions! UGH! Then up this morning at 7:45 am and class until 1pm then I ran a couple errands and then went back to contracts with more questions. Kristie and I broke for an hour and went and had SUSHI at Camon in downtown and it was uber great. It was a much needed break for food, a glass of plum wine and conversation that doesn't revolve around "the modern trend."

I'm super duper tired and running on fumes but all is well in bar study land. We are trudging away, keeping our nose the grind and our minds in position to kill this bad boy. One more skill set of question and then off to bed.........

Will I ever sleep well again?
Will I ever wake up without a crick in my neck again?
Will I ever calm my mind enough to actually think about something other than the rules of Evidence?

AUGUST 1st! I love a goal!


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